Tyger Valley Institute of Mathematical Excellence (TIME)


Tyger Valley Institute of Mathematical Excellence

Preparatory TIME Brochure

The TIME Maths Institute is a uniquely Tyger Valley College offering, designed to support and promote our Mathematics programme. 

Preparatory Afternoon Programmes 

In the afternoons, the TIME centre is available at an additional fee and there are two programmes on offer: 

Maths-Fit Programme

This is an online programme for pupils who are of average to above average ability, who want to improve or maintain their ‘ Maths-fitness ’ and general performance in Mathematics. 

Maths Intensive:

These programmes are predominantly for pupils who require extra encouragement or  pupils who are under performing in Mathematics.

High School (included in the fees)

  • Weekly afternoon workshops for pupils from Gr8 – 12 
  • Identical workshops are presented at staggered times, to allow pupils the flexibility to attend at least one workshop per week around their extramural activities
  • Workshops are presented in the TIME Centre located on the High School Campus by the TVC Mathematics teachers, who are directly involved with and responsible for the mathematical progress at our school
  • Workshop specific notes are provided, to avoid repetition of the examples covered during the regular maths lessons.

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